To be a winner on today's fiercely competitive market for wiring
harnesses we must offer higher quality, lower prices, and shorter
delivery times.
To ensure that we can always respond quickly to the changing needs of
our customers, we are expanding our production lines and our overseas
production bases, while constantly pursuing measures to enhance quality,
improve technology, and reduce costs.
Our products are in use all around the world as essential components
of our customers' products. Seamless coordination with our company's
production base in Indonesia through the use of electronic data
interchange (EDI) and personnel exchange allows us to produce wiring
harnesses from a global perspective that transcends the boundaries of
nationality, culture, language, and distance. We are also actively
promoting a vertical integration business model and producing more
related parts internally so as to hone our competitive edge.
We are determined to make every effort to improve our position in the
future, and we would greatly appreciate your support and your patronage.
Staf Finance Cikarang (Jawa Barat)
Wanita, single, usia maksimal 25 tahun.
Pendidikan S1 Akuntansi.
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang keuangan.
Memiliki pengetahuan tentang Perpajakan Brevet A, B, atau C.
Mahir menggunakan salah satu software accounting (MYOB atau Accurate).
Memahami proses akunting, perpajakan, laporan keuangan, dan general ledger.
Mampu menyusun laporan & setoran pajak bulanan maupun tahunan (PPN & PPh).
Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer dalam lembar kerja &
laporan lainnya yang diperlukan dalam Ms. Excel/Ms. Word/Ms. Power Point
dan Internet.
Cekatan, inisiatif, ulet, jujur, teliti, disiplin, bertanggungjawab,
sanggup bekerja keras dengan deadline dan under pressure, & mandiri.
Send your Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae, and recent photograph
by EMAIL ONLY to :
PT. Banshu Electric Indonesia
Industrial Estate Jababeka I
Jl. Jababeka VI Blok U 9-B Cikarang
Related Posts : Jawa Barat
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